You're invited to THE party celebrating Winlow Place this Sunday, November 8th! It's Winlow Place's 50th/90th Birthday Party!!!
Join us for food, prizes, fun, friendly neighbors, face painting and history!
- When: Sunday (November 8th) from 3:00 – 6:00pm
- Where: West Alabama Ice House (1919 West Alabama)
- Who: Well YOU, of course! It's open to ALL RESIDENTS of Winlow Place!
The festivities:
The Winlow Place Civic Club will treat you to a buffet from El Pueblito and birthday cake. You'll just put a pin on your home on the map and get a wristband that entitles you to free food and a beverage of your choice! Prizes will be given for the longest owner, newest neighbor, newest renter, longest renter... and more! We'll meet and greet, learn about the neighborhood, hear stories about how it was back in the day, make new friends, see old friends, enjoy the face painting, hang out and just have fun!
So come on over to our neighbor, the Alabama Ice House at 1919 West Alabama (since 1928). We will have a special section for our private party. Families welcome. No Texans game, no excuses. Rain or shine we will be getting together. Join us!
So, what are we celebrating? TWO celebrations in one!
The Winlow Place Addition was laid out in 1925, making it the second oldest platted neighborhood in Houston. The Winlow Place Civic Club was formed in 1965. Now, we are celebrating the 50th birthday of the Civic Club and the 90th birthday of our Neighborhood with a celebration for ALL of the residents and non-resident owners of Winlow Place – that means YOU. We would love to have you join the party.