Security Patrol Update


At our last social, we were visited by constable Al Rosen and other members of his patrol. Plans proceed apace for the new system and the website is live and running – and has the ability to accept online payments. You may also can request further information at

The Mandell Winlow Security Foundation is a separate entity from the Winlow Place Civic Club, and its operations/board are separate. Winlow Place is fortunate to have both Mike Hawash and Tony Carroll on the board, and Al Amado and Jake Mase represent Mandell Place. Having the security foundation as a separate organization is a net benefit for our neighborhood as it removes us from any financial liability – but we are still able to provide access to this service to our residents.

The system will be a "subscription" service with an estimated cost of ~400/year per household. Special arrangements may be made for seniors or those on fixed incomes. Subscribers will receive benefits such as vacation watch, a direct-to-dispatch line (with an extremely fast response time), a sign for their yard (similar to ones from ADT), a home security audit amongst other things. If a home does not choose to subscribe, they still generally benefit by having a dedicated patrol around the neighborhood. Patrol officers would, of course, stop any crime they see whether the home is a subscriber or not.

The more people who participate, the lower the annual fees may be. The ~$400 annual amount is a good estimate for our goal to get a security patrol in place by January of 2016.

Please note that as the Security Foundation is completely separate from the Civic Club, your Winlow Place Civic Club dues do not count as a contribution to the Security Foundation and vice versa. The Winlow Place Civic Club appreciates your continued support.

– by Caroline Garry