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August Cocktails & Conversation

  • Check your email for location.  77098 (map)

Join your fellow neighbors for this month's Cocktails & Conversations!

C&C is one of the highlights of our neighborhood, giving us a chance to get to know each other. Whether you're a familiar face or a new one, renter or owner, we look forward to seeing you! Feel free to drop by at any time during the event. Children are welcome to join too.

Held the second Friday of every month, Cocktails & Conversations is a long-running tradition of Winlow Place. These events are generously hosted by our neighbors and provide a casual environment to get to know each other. 

Check your email for location. (Not on our mailing list? Sign up on our homepage.)

Earlier Event: July 13
July Cocktails & Conversation
Later Event: September 4
Winlow Place General Meeting #3